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Friday, January 7, 2011

Misunderstood Vomit

*Puts in headphones, Turns on iTunes & Zones Out*

Today Dolls I just gonna speak from the heart 
no gossip bullshit Just some real shit! 
It might jus sound like some misunderstood
vomit to you but it all means somethin 2 me.
This is my blog i feel like i should be able 
to express myself. This whole post was inspired
by @JustMissParis on twitter. She blogs
too & ill post her link so you can all go 
check her shit out but anyway she 
inspired this post because of her 
latest post "Girl under the Tattoos"
Where she basically talks about
how shes more then just a pretty 
face & tattoos but no1 sees that.
Made me think about how misunderstood
she is & that made me think about 
how misunderstood i am! When
i first started following Paris on twitter
i jus thought she was beautiful with 
interesting tweets but once i found out
she had a blog i was interested to read 
it & wow what you find out about a 
person from their blog. My impression of
Miss Paris then was wow shes really
talented & so extremely smart! She has 
hella followers on twitter but i really
wonder how many follow her because 
of how beautiful she is. Its a shame
because shes so much more then that.
Shes into art, & Music & poetry.
Well I used her as an example because 
i feel i can relate to her a little bit
Im not saying im nearly as smart &
beautiful she is but people misjudge her.
A lot of people that follow her will never
know anything more then how pretty she
is or how hot her tattoos are -_- come on
people you make people feel like thats all
we are good for is being something 2 look at.
The awful part is it isn't just the people
that don't know you that misunderstand
 you theres people that know you , 
friends family! You ever had someone
tell you that you wouldn't amount 
to much? Ever had a friend or family
look at you crazy or laugh at you when 
you told them One day you WILL 
be famous? Ever said something 
extremely intelligent & had someone
look at you crazy cuz they didn't
even know how smart you were?
Underestimating is a motherfuker!
I bet Obama was underestimated 
look where he is! Anybody can be 
anything in the world if they 
set their mind to it! The mind is
a powerful thing if you can see
you fulfilling your destiny in your
mind you WILL go their in reality!
Don't believe me? Rent the movie
" The Secret"  . 

But anyways Im sure so far this whole post
sounds like a big mess cuz ive jumped
around so much but thats another part
of being misunderstood. I don't know
2 express myself so everything comes out
like gibberish vomit. I have so much to say
& don't know how to say it. Sometimes 
i get so frustrated with being misunderstood
i say fuck it & smoke a blunt. It eases my
mind for the meantime & stops it from 
spinning so fast. But when that high fades
away we're back 2 square 1. 
Point of the matter is get to know someone
i mean really really get to know someone
before judging them they could be the best
person you have ever met. 
You never know what they are going thru
to know why they are they way they are.

This post is probably a blur to you 
but it made me feel a bit better.
All in All this post was
Misunderstood Vomit

For some real blogging check out Paris's blog

BTW to my regular readers i have changed my 
blog URL from

♥ Amor,


Anonymous said...

Merci d'avoir un blog interessant

Anonymous said...

Appreaciate for the work you have put into this article, this helps clear up some questions I had.