I haven't posted in a while because there hasn't
really been anything serious that needed 2 be
addressed or posted at that matter until a few
days ago. When Casey Anthony was found "Not
Guilty" of 1st degree murder & child
abuse................[Silence for Caylee].................
Smh well before I go starting any feuds in my
comments on this post by calling Casey a
murderer let me start by saying
If Casey didn't kill Caylee why was she the
LAST person to see her before she ended
up dead in the woods? Answer me that?
Caylee was a 2 year old baby she didn't
put duck tape on her own mouth, Jump in
a fucking mesh laundry bag & toss herself
in the damn woods! SERIOUSLY? If Not
Casey then who? THAT was deffffinitely
NEVER proven. So does this mean the
case is closed? Caylee's murderer wasn't
found end of story! WHERE'S JUSTICE
CAYLEE! & if Casey didn't kill her why
why why whyyyyy would she lie to the
police about where Caylee was & who
had her!? Innocent people have absolutley
NO reason to lie what so ever i dont care
what the situation. ESPECIALLY in this
situation no mother in her right mind
would lie about where she last saw her
daughter when she has the whole fucking
city of Orlando looking for that baby!
But no instead she involves other people
& other lives with more lies!
A question that keeps circling in my head
is why did she create this nanny
"Zenaida Gonzalez" ? I mean besides
the obvious pinning it on someone other
then herself? As you saw in the trial they
blamed pretty much everyone in the
court room besides Judge Perry for
Caylee's death. I cant wait to see what
she has to say when Zenaida makes her answer some
questions during this lawsuit Answer me this...
Why did Casey wait 1 whole month before
reporting her 2 year old daughter "missing"?
Answer me this.....If someone kidnapped
her daughter why was Casey partying with
friends & renting movies with her boyfriend
instead of searching all over hell & back
looking for her daughter? Did anyone ever
ask her wtf she tried to do to find that baby
if she really was so called "missing" ?
Does anyone know the definition of missing?
- absent: not present in an expected place
- disappeared: not yet traced and not known for certain to be alive, but not confirmed as dead
That baby was not missing she knew
that baby's every where about !
"You (Casey Anthony) left your 2-year-old child with a person who does not exist at an apartment you cannot identify, and you lied to your parents about your child’s whereabouts. You cared so little about your child."—Orange County Judge John Jordan
I think the 12 or 13 sum odd jurors are
probably about 1 in the only people that
believes shes Not guilty.
from someone who thinks she
DIDN"T do it...Like i said i she
R.I.P You Beautiful Soul!
For more beautiful pictures of
Caylee go to this blog site
The Prettiest picture ive seen to date is
Casey How could you take the life
of a person let alone a baby that
adored you this much? You killed
the person who loved you most
on this earth! Now you have nobody!
Now she's safe in these arms
If you read this... post this to any
website, social network, anything
you have that other people can click on
this Post it! Post it for Caylee.
Caylee did not get justice
which is the point of this whole
judicial system smfh yeah right!
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