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Monday, December 26, 2011


What does everybody think about this new Nicki Minaj Barbie Doll Mattel is making? 
Leave a comment with your opinion and would YOU buy it for your child ? Do you think Nicki Minaj is a role model for kids young enough to play with Barbies? 


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rihanna Inspired Drawing

Hey Readers
I know I havent posted in a while
But this is my latest drawing its deff
Rihanna inspired!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Finally made a Youtube

Hi Loves

So im trying to get like 5 subscribers 
before i post my first video blog so go
subcribe loves heres the link 

Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe
so you can see this face :)

♥ Amor,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

For Amber Rose

Hola Cupcakes!

So as you know I haven't blogged about 
anything serious lately but Amber Rose posted on
her blog today something that inspired me to write
on her behalf. If you haven't read her blog post yet
go read it before you continue reading mine.
Okay now as you have all heard Amber
Rose & Wiz Khalifa got married....
Think im Trippin ? Like i said read her post
she clearly says shes a wife. But anyway the 
point of this blog is i have seen a lot of hate 
for Miss Rose & i have seen 1 too many 
people talk bad about her for being a stripper
Me for 1 I don't respect strippers who do
the shit for fun or who do it for a career
but in the case of putting food on the table
for you family or a roof over their head
HELL YES i condone that FU*K YEAH
i condone that like she said Dudes
sell drugs to feed their fam and its cool
how come when a women sells her
dancing to feed her fam its trippin season?
Smh double standards are a B*TCH!
You know she said people are saying
she doesn't deserve the life she has...are 
you fucking kidding me? Seriously guys?
What person who has done nothing but love
others doesn't deserve Love & happiness?
Please tell me? Love is the most amazing
feeling in this world why wouldn't you want 
that for somebody? Im gonna be 100 
when i first heard that Amber and Wiz got
married i was like wtf why? is he stupid? hes
a newbie in the game and he tyin the knot
already? but now that i read her blog fuck that
she deserves that love, she deserves that man, &
she deserves that wedding & she deff deserves
that life! If after reading her blog you still
don't believe that then you have some serious 
hate in your heart for people the End!

P.S Amber Rose baby ive always rode 
for you saying he was stupid for getttin
married was in no way meant to be 
disrespectful to you. Congrats on the
marriage and we can't wait for a little 
bald headed baby Wiz
lol Name him Wimber lol ;)

With all Love & Respect

Juicy ♥

Shout Outs to You!

 Hi Babies!

So today this blog isn't about drama, and bullshit
going on in this crazy world. Today this blog is about
YOU! My readers i absolutley love you guys i would
of never thought my blog would get 100 views let alone
10,000 views thank you guys so much for even caring
to read what i have to say. On blopspot they keep track
of everyone that comes on my page and let me jus say
my home the USA holds me down BUT The UK
i freakin love you guys because theres so so many
of you that come here for a good read & thank you.

Like i said this blog was just for YOU!
Thank YOU!

Juicy ♥

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Womens Reaction To Women

Hi babies!

Just saw this on THIS blog & had to repost
for all my readers to see bcuz it is soo true!

 When GUYS meet for the first time:

When GIRLS meet for the first time:

Lmao this is so truly ridiculous!
Ladies STOP it! 
Why is it the first thing women do when
they look at another women is judge?
I don't get it! 

Ladies please if your a women who
judges at first glance leave me a 
comment & tell me why?
Do you feel like the women your
looking at is looking at you & judging too?

Let me know

♥ Juicy

JuicyBaby wants a Youtube

Hi Babies!

So ive been doing this blogging thing
for a while now & its been brought to
my attention that maybe i should
make a video blog instead of always
typing out everything i want to say.
Ill still post my video blog videos on
this blog site ill just be spreading 
my word to other sites & other people
by getting a youtube...just exploring
my options.

If i decide to do it 
I'll probably start in about 2 weeks!

Tell ya what if i get 15 responses saying
i should make a youtube to blog then ill
make it next week! Deal?

♥ Juicy

Thursday, July 7, 2011

You Beautiful Soul, Caylee Anthony

Hi babies

I haven't posted in a while because there hasn't
really been anything serious that needed 2 be
addressed or posted at that matter until a few
days ago. When Casey Anthony was found "Not
Guilty" of 1st degree murder & child 
abuse................[Silence for Caylee].................
Smh well before I go starting any feuds in my
comments on this post by calling Casey a 
murderer let me start by saying
If Casey didn't kill Caylee why was she the 
LAST person to see her before she ended
up dead in the woods? Answer me that?
Caylee was a 2 year old baby she didn't
put duck tape on her own mouth, Jump in
a fucking mesh laundry bag & toss herself
in the damn woods! SERIOUSLY? If Not
Casey then who? THAT was deffffinitely 
NEVER proven. So does this mean the
case is closed? Caylee's murderer wasn't 
found end of story! WHERE'S JUSTICE 
CAYLEE! & if Casey didn't kill her why
why why whyyyyy would she lie to the 
police about where Caylee was & who
had her!? Innocent people have absolutley
NO reason to lie what so ever i dont care
what the situation. ESPECIALLY in this 
situation no mother in her right mind
would lie about where she last saw her 
daughter when she has the whole fucking
city of Orlando looking for that baby!
But no instead she involves other people
& other lives with more lies!
A question that keeps circling in my head 
is why did she create this nanny
"Zenaida Gonzalez" ? I mean besides
the obvious pinning it on someone other
then herself? As you saw in the trial they
blamed pretty much everyone in the
court room besides Judge Perry for 
Caylee's death. I cant wait to see what 
she has to say when Zenaida makes her answer some 
questions during this lawsuit Answer me this...
Why did Casey wait 1 whole month before
reporting her 2 year old daughter "missing"?
Answer me this.....If someone kidnapped
her daughter why was Casey partying with
friends & renting movies with her boyfriend
instead of searching all over hell & back
looking for her daughter? Did anyone ever 
ask her wtf she tried to do to find that baby
if she really was so called "missing" ?
Does anyone know the definition of missing?

miss·ing [ míssing ]   
  1. absent: not present in an expected place
  2. disappeared: not yet traced and not known for certain to be alive, but not confirmed as dead
Synonyms: lost, absent, gone astray, misplaced, mislaid, gone, omitted,disappeared, unaccounted for

That baby was not missing she knew
that baby's every where about !

"You (Casey Anthony) left your 2-year-old child with a person who does not exist at an apartment you cannot identify, and you lied to your parents about your child’s whereabouts. You cared so little about your child."—Orange County Judge John Jordan

I think the 12 or 13 sum odd jurors are
probably about 1 in the only people that
believes shes Not guilty.

Honestly id LOVE to hear
from someone who thinks she
DIDN"T do it...Like i said i she
didn't then ...........


& Why?

R.I.P You Beautiful Soul!

For more beautiful pictures of
Caylee go to this blog site

The Prettiest picture ive seen to date is
Casey How could you take the life
of a person let alone a baby that 
adored you this much? You killed
the person who loved you most 
on this earth! Now you have nobody!

Now she's safe in these arms

♥ Juicy

If you read this... post this to any
website, social network, anything
you have that other people can click on 
this Post it! Post it for Caylee.
We have to be her voice!
Pass this message on!
Caylee did not get justice
which is the point of this whole
judicial system smfh yeah right!

+1 Below to share

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Under Construction!

Hi Babies,

As you can see my blog looks a mess!
Its under construction so bare with me.

Kisses ♥ ,

Friday, April 29, 2011

I Got THIS in my fortune cookie!


♥ JuicyBaby

Hot Nails Right Now!

As you know I ♥ Crazy Nail Designs.
Check out Some Hot Nails for this Spring/Summer

Switch Up your Nail Game ladies
Step it up!

♥ JuicyBaby

Friday, January 7, 2011

Misunderstood Vomit

*Puts in headphones, Turns on iTunes & Zones Out*

Today Dolls I just gonna speak from the heart 
no gossip bullshit Just some real shit! 
It might jus sound like some misunderstood
vomit to you but it all means somethin 2 me.
This is my blog i feel like i should be able 
to express myself. This whole post was inspired
by @JustMissParis on twitter. She blogs
too & ill post her link so you can all go 
check her shit out but anyway she 
inspired this post because of her 
latest post "Girl under the Tattoos"
Where she basically talks about
how shes more then just a pretty 
face & tattoos but no1 sees that.
Made me think about how misunderstood
she is & that made me think about 
how misunderstood i am! When
i first started following Paris on twitter
i jus thought she was beautiful with 
interesting tweets but once i found out
she had a blog i was interested to read 
it & wow what you find out about a 
person from their blog. My impression of
Miss Paris then was wow shes really
talented & so extremely smart! She has 
hella followers on twitter but i really
wonder how many follow her because 
of how beautiful she is. Its a shame
because shes so much more then that.
Shes into art, & Music & poetry.
Well I used her as an example because 
i feel i can relate to her a little bit
Im not saying im nearly as smart &
beautiful she is but people misjudge her.
A lot of people that follow her will never
know anything more then how pretty she
is or how hot her tattoos are -_- come on
people you make people feel like thats all
we are good for is being something 2 look at.
The awful part is it isn't just the people
that don't know you that misunderstand
 you theres people that know you , 
friends family! You ever had someone
tell you that you wouldn't amount 
to much? Ever had a friend or family
look at you crazy or laugh at you when 
you told them One day you WILL 
be famous? Ever said something 
extremely intelligent & had someone
look at you crazy cuz they didn't
even know how smart you were?
Underestimating is a motherfuker!
I bet Obama was underestimated 
look where he is! Anybody can be 
anything in the world if they 
set their mind to it! The mind is
a powerful thing if you can see
you fulfilling your destiny in your
mind you WILL go their in reality!
Don't believe me? Rent the movie
" The Secret"  . 

But anyways Im sure so far this whole post
sounds like a big mess cuz ive jumped
around so much but thats another part
of being misunderstood. I don't know
2 express myself so everything comes out
like gibberish vomit. I have so much to say
& don't know how to say it. Sometimes 
i get so frustrated with being misunderstood
i say fuck it & smoke a blunt. It eases my
mind for the meantime & stops it from 
spinning so fast. But when that high fades
away we're back 2 square 1. 
Point of the matter is get to know someone
i mean really really get to know someone
before judging them they could be the best
person you have ever met. 
You never know what they are going thru
to know why they are they way they are.

This post is probably a blur to you 
but it made me feel a bit better.
All in All this post was
Misunderstood Vomit

For some real blogging check out Paris's blog

BTW to my regular readers i have changed my 
blog URL from

♥ Amor,